Gods Way Is The Best Way

Sunday Service 07/02/2021:

Prayer — Mark 11:24 KJV

Scripture — Exodus 13:17-22

Title of message — Gods Way Is The Best Way

God doesn’t always work in the way that seems best to us. Instead of guiding the Israelites along the direct route from Egypt to the Promised Land, he took them by a longer route to avoid fighting with the Philistines. If God does not lead you along the shortest path to your goal, don’t complain or resist. Follow him willingly and trust him to lead you safely around unseen obstacles. He can see the end of your journey from the beginning, and he knows the safest and best route.

God gave the Hebrews a pillar of cloud and a pillar of fire so they would know day and night that God was with them on their journey to the Promised Land. What has he given us so that we can have the same assurance? The Bible — something the Israelite’s did not have. Look to God’s Word for reassurance of his presence. As the Hebrews looked to the pillars of cloud and fire we can look to God’s Word day and night to know he is with us, helping us on our journey.

The pillars of fire and cloud were examples of theophany — God appearing in a physical form. In this form, God lighted Israel’s path, protected them from their enemies, provided reassurance, controlled their movements, and inspired the burning zeal that Israel should have for their God.

Message delivered Deacon Francis Hoffman.