Sunday Service: 09/05/2021
Supporting Scripture: Luke 18 vs 1-8
Title of Message: P.U.S.H
Delivered by: Pastor Mercy Richardson
It would seem that earnest time in prayer can be a problem for many people. Sometimes we pray and do not get the answer we expected. We become tired and lose heart. We then find it hard to set time aside to pray but everything else in our lives seems to carry on as normal without break. If we believed that prayer can make a difference and that it has the power to change our circumstances, we would keep praying.
Luke 18.1-8: Jesus said we should pray without losing heart as the persistent widow did with the judge. There are things we cannot do for ourselves therefore we must trust and believe that God will answer.
Do you make time for God in His word and prayer? Are you persistent? Do you seek God with your heart?
The Bible has numerous passages that describe the situations of those who presented their hopeless situations to God through prayer i.e. Abraham, Hannah (1 Samuel 1:10), David. Mathew 7 vs 7 says Ask and it shall be given…Seek and you shall find…Knock and the door will be open. The Bible is talking about prayer.
Spend time with God, commune with Him in prayer. Keep on praying!
Isaiah 64:25 God answers in a way that benefits us. He loves us. Some athletes perform amazing feats and often win entire competitions after enduring rigorous and persistent training. The same can be said of prayer; the process builds your faith and character and you will achieve much.
Don’t quit! Remain persistent in prayer!
Pray Until Something Happens.