Reprogramming your mental computer

Sunday Service: 16/05/2021

Supporting Scripture: Proverbs 23 vs 7-

Title of Message: P.U.S.H

Delivered by: Pastor Mercy Richardson

A young boy referred to himself as the best base ball hitter in the world. He tried numerous times till he eventually hit. The boy had a Positive Mental Attitude. We need to have the same.

The mind is the most powerful and valuable asset. What ever you decide you can attain. The mind is also the play ground of the enemy and he will attack it.
The thoughts you entertain determines your life. Bad thoughts can destroy your life.

The mind is like a computer and what you programme into it dictates how it will function. You get what you put in. The answers your are getting may be as a result of the programming.

If you place the wrong software or misinformation on the most powerful computer, it will not work as the manufacturer intended it to. There are also lots of viruses waiting to destroy your computer. If you don’t have anti-virus you are subject to malfunction.

You do not want your computer to crash!
If you allow negative thoughts, criticism, pain and words, devious attacks from outside to enter your mind, it will corrupt your values, and information and you will not operate well. You will be angry, frustrated and depressed.

God programmed us to be whole, happy, abundant and hopeful. When our thinking becomes contaminated,  we no longer function well. He has given us ability  wisdom, strength. We need to tap into it and refuse misinformation, bad thoughts and negativity to get in. Otherwise we pass it on to our children, our friends, those we come into contact with. I.e. lack, discrimination, low self esteem.

It is time to reprogram your mental computer.  Tell yourself that you can do it, you can attain it, you can make it. Refuse to become sluggish,  refuse to do nothing, refuse to crash!

Change your thinking. You were not defective when God created you. Until you get your thinking in line with the creator, you cannot function correctly. 

Get the right information and act in the right way. Stop assuming, stop being overly sensitive, stop living in disappointment, get the right information! If you don’t change your subconscious mind, you will never live to your full potential. Prov 23.7 says “…as a man thinketh in his heart, so is he”.

Yes, we do have control of what we think.

Phil 4 vs 8 – “Whatever things are good…..think on these”. Start working to reprogram your mental computer. That will shape your life. Meditate on the good things and they will multiply. Choose to think good things.

Here are some verses worth reading.

Deut 30.19
Isaiah 26,3
Phil 2.5

All things are possible if you believe.