Faith Comes By Hearing

Sunday Service: 13/03/2022

Supporting Scripture: Romans 10:17 

Title of Message: Faith Comes By Hearing

Delivered by: Deaconess Akua Richardson

The Bible tells us “So then faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God” (Romans 10:17 NKJV). 

The word faith translated from the original Greek means persuasion, credence, and conviction. This means faith is something that you believe is true and trustworthy. Hebrews 11:1,

Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. NKJV

The words confidence, assurance, sure, proof, substance, and evidence are intangible fruits of strong faith. When someone has this kind of faith, they are fully convinced regarding the thing they have faith in. We have faith in God but also differing levels in people, jobs, chairs, beds and so much more.

Being convinced takes a special kind of hearing.

Faith comes through hearing and convinces the heart of the truth:

1. God presents “His case,” which is the truth.

2. We listen attentively taking it to heart.

3. We choose to believe God’s evidence making the decision to trust Him.

We see this process at work in the lives of Abraham and Sarah.

What other things come by hearing?  

  • LIEs (limiting beliefs entertained) & BS (Belief systems) such as:
  • I am not good enough – Gideon
  • I will never succeed
  • I am not educated enough  –
  • I am a failure
  • I will never get better
  • It is too late Sarah/Abraham
  • I am too old – Sarah Abraham
  • Who will find me attractive – Ruth
  • Things will never change – Jabez
  • I lost my opportunity
  • It’s a mess – Rahab
  • I just can’t make it happen
  • I am not articulate – Moses
  • I don’t have the right upbringing

We all entertain thoughts. It is our nurture. We are programmed. We have been raised by, surrounded by, taught by, people who have struggled, suffered and therefore have negativity biases. We have seen negativity and steer towards it. Our belief in certain areas is therefore limited as a result, but we have the word of God. It tells us that we are gods: powerful and able to do all things john 10: 34, Psalm 82:6, 1 Corin 3:16, Ephesians 3:20

We  must hear the word, meditate on it and believe it. We must see the glass as half full not half empty. Our perspective is critical…if faith comes by hearing then we must allow it to seep to all areas of our lives. It must start changing our LIEs & BS.

The key is Hearing…we must ensure we hear things that counter our negative beliefs and feed our positivity.

Sometimes we listen to positive things, but they don’t speak to our BS. What you listen to must speak to who you are, what you want and what you want to change. We must hear things that say we are good enough, you are special, desirable, a worthy companion, capable.

You must speak these to yourselves and seek out audios, books articles that  say same. Only constant hearing of good things will implant the change and good in your life. Only then can you bear fruit.