The Lord Is My Shepard

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๐’๐œ๐ซ๐ข๐ฉ๐ญ๐ฎ๐ซ๐ž โ€” Psalm 23

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Delivered By: Pastor Mercy Richardson

Life is full of difficulties but, your promise land lies at the end of the valley.

You will have “Valley experiences”.ย  You may be thrown into challenges, disappointments, failure, fatigue, depression, pain, sorrow, sickness and discouragement at some point. You are not exempt but, ‘valleys’ are not dead-end streets!

  1. Valley experiences are unavoidable.ย  John 16:33b
  2. Valley experiences are unpredictable.ย  You cannot schedule them.
  3. Valley experiences are impartial.ย  They can happen to anyone. Matthew 5:45b. Someone has been in theirs, another is entering and yet another has just come out.
  4. Valleys are temporary. They will not last forever!
  5. Valleys are purposeful. They are to test your faith, challenge you and get you to a desired end.

We all face these so called valleys in life:
Be it financial, relational, emotional or  physical issues; They have a purpose so believe that it shall be well!! Faith is built in the valley.

  • Refuse to be discouraged – focus on God’s power.
  • Remember God is always with you Psalm 23. It is where your relationship with God is formed.
  • You rely on his guidance and protection

Have you made the Lord your shepherd? He will usher you out and your joy will be full.