The Power to Choose

Sunday Service: 02/05/2021

Supporting Scripture: Joshua 24:15

Title of Message: The Power To Choose

Delivered By: Deaconess Akua Richardson

If we had the ability to choose a superpower, we would get all excited and choose the one that excited or could best serve us and our purpose.

Why don’t we approach life situations with the same positivity or excitement?

Sometimes we allow life and the events we face to dominate and decide our actions, steps and our demeanor.

The moment a difficult situation occurs, we get sad, depressed, angry, bitter and the cycle continues. We focus all on the negative negative the wrong!

We need to realise that actually, life happens but we can decide on how we react. We actually have The Power to Choose!

We can choose to take the high road, choose to smile, choose to do good instead of evil, we can support others. It is a right, a privilege and an ability. We can choose better.

God gave us our freewill. He allowed us to choose what we want. He also made us aware of consequences of all choice so we can make informed decisions.

Joshua 24:15 says “choose who you will serve”.

When we don’t exercise our ability to choose, we forfeit our joy, opportunities, we stay in a negative state and Sometimes we give up when our breakthrough is near. We behave in childish childish punitive ways. We lose out.

God has said, be angry but do not sin. Choose good!

Life and death are in the power of the tongue so choose Life!

Love your enemies so do not repay evil with evil.

..and if we heed the guidance, it will be well with us.

If you exercise you Pwer to Choose, you:

  • Are happier and more joyful
  • Create new experiences
  • You live life fully
  • You change your circumstances
  • You attract better opportunities

Choose well!