Sunday Service: 10/07/2022
Supporting Scripture: Genesis 25:21-23
Title of Message: Why Is This Happening To Me?
Delivered by: Pastor Mercy
“Isaac prayed to the LORD on behalf of his wife, because she was barren. The LORD answered his prayer, and his wife Rebekah became pregnant. 22 The babies jostled each other within her, and she said, “Why is this happening to me?” So, she went to inquire of the LORD. 23 The LORD said to her, “Two nations are in your womb, and two peoples from within you will be separated; one people will be stronger than the other, and the older will serve the younger.”
Rebecca got married to Isaac but could not have children for twenty years. Her husband Isaac prayed for her, and God opened her womb and she got pregnant. When the pregnancy was growing, she felt strange movements in her womb. She did not understand what was happening to her, but she did not just sit down and treat that as something normal. She first asked herself, “Why is this happening to me?” Mr Isaac would have said, but Rebecca you are pregnant. The doctor may have said don’t worry Rebecca, that’s what pregnancy does to women. But Rebecca refused all that and said the final answer rest with God. Unless God reveals this to me, I will not take ‘it’s okay, it’s normal’ for an answer.
Little kids are so inquisitive, I remember when I was young my grandmother would jokingly tell me that I was troublesome. I wouldn’t let anything pass without asking a question ‘what is that’. Sometimes in life you need to be very, very inquisitive and ask questions about yourself.
If you see that others are progressing, and you are stagnant you have to ask yourself why. Don’t accept it as a normal thing. When other people are getting their prayers answered and you are not, even though you are also praying, then you need to ask yourself what you are doing wrong. When others are smiling and laughing, and you are always moody ask yourself why. There may be nothing wrong with you, but you need to ask questions and if you find anything wrong, you search for solutions. God said in Genesis 1:28
“Be fruitful and multiply; fill the earth and subdue it; have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over every living thing that moves on the earth.”
God has given us the power to prosper but many people think it’s normal to suffer. Some people experience strange happenings in their lives, but they think it’s normal and just call that the will of God. Some people have failed the same exams several times and yet continue to think and behave as if all is normal, reading the same way and failing the same way again. Some people get paid today and a week later they are broke and continue living as if all is well or worse still blame inflation, and economic woes etc. Well, I admit inflation and economic woes do exist but why is it that your co-worker who receives the same amount makes it for the whole month? If you are here today and that, is you, then it’s about time you stopped and started asking WHY these things are happening in your life and do something about it. You need to ask yourself some hard questions.
Why am I always angry? Why is my life not improving? Why am I still sinning against God? Why am I drinking like this? Why am I smoking like this? Why am I committing fornication/adultery? Why is my prayer life the same? Why am I like this? (John 9:1-3)
“Now as Jesus passed by, He saw a man who was blind from birth. [2] And His disciples asked Him, saying, “Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?” [3] Jesus answered, “Neither this man nor his parents sinned, but that the works of God should be revealed in him.”
Jesus and His disciples came across this blind man, and they questioned why he was blind. Did anybody sin for him to be like that. Jesus said, nobody sinned but that the glory of God will be made manifest. In other words, He would be healed, and God would be glorified.
Folks, until and unless you ask the question WHY you will not know. All the great discoveries made in the world, were prompted by questions like, “Why is this so?” Unless you start questioning and searching about your life why certain things are happening, you shall remain in your current state forever. If you really need change in your life, seriously ask yourself questions and start searching for solutions from God.
Some people understand that certain things shouldn’t be happening in their lives, but they ask the wrong questions. Why has God forsaken me? Who is bewitching me? etc. It’s time you started asking the right questions and cry to God for answers. Some people also try to find solutions for things happening to them from the wrong places. If you try to find solution by going to false prophets, witch doctors, and fortune tellers, you will not get a meaningful and true answer.
There are times you need to refuse to take “Its normal or don’t worry, everyone experiences that” for an answer.
Rebecca asked and God told her that in her womb were two nations, people who are separated, stronger and weaker ones. You see what those movements in her womb meant?
Unless you refuse to accept your situation as normal, you will fail to understand your life. Unless you refuse to accept life as just eating, talking, sleeping, marrying and dying you will not get the true meaning of your life.
God has an answer for you. Inquire from Him and you will be surprised to hear what your situation carries. You will be amazed to learn what a precious purpose your life holds. Refuse to accept what people call normal when that situation is giving you problems, taking away your sleep, wasting your time and causing you to be unproductive in life. It’s time to take action my friend; don’t just sit and watch, ask yourself questions and seek answers from God.